Black magic realy works ?


Sihr [witchcraft] may involve things that the magician does when tying knots on which he blows, as is referred to in the Qur’aan (interpretation of the meaning):
“And from the evil of those who practise witchcraft when they blow in the knots”[al-Falaq 113:4] 
And it may involve other things which they manage to do through the shayaateen (devils), so they do things that may affect a man's reason or make him sick; they may cause division between a man and his wife, resulting in her looking ugly to him, or by making her hate her husband or be put off by him.[ majmoo fatawa ibnbaaz]
Ibn qudamah; The sixth kind[sihr]: if he killed him by means of a kind of sihr that usually kills, then he has to be executed, because he has killed by means of something that usually kills, like killing by use of a knife     [ mugni 9/330]

There are many types of witchcraft, including illusions and deceiving the eyes. But not all sihr is as such. Some scholars listed different kinds of witchcraft, and counted eight kinds, the most well known of which are: 
1.     Knots and incantations  
i.e., reciting words and ism al a’lam [complicated activity or language usually intended to obscure and confuse]by means of which the witch is able to use the devils to do what he wants of harming the person being bewitched.
2.     Sleight of hand 
They become skilled in this by means of practice and training to do things quickly, and bring out something hidden.  
3.     Bewitching the eyes 
This is very common among the liars; the magician does not really put a sword in his body, rather he bewitches the eyes of the audience, and puts the sword by his side, but the bewitched people think that he puts it through his middle
4.     Using chemicals
This is done well by those who know how substances react with one another, thus producing a substance that is not affected by some other substances, such as the Sufi Rifa’iyyah who make people think that they are not affected by fire, when in fact they coat themselves with some fireproof substances. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) challenged them to wash with hot water before entering the fire and they refused because this would have exposed their deceit

[fatwa no; 12578 - sheik salih munajid]

Above mentioned fatawas states that.  ‘witches using devils or jinns in black magic through pleasing them and worshiping them to kill a person,separate two persons or make a healthy person into sick etc…..these statements are faulty and away from the truth.if a person can use a jinn or devil by pleasing them how could be prophet[sw] says such a word like;

“Whoever goes to a soothsayer and believes what he says has disbelieved in that which was revealed to Muhammad.” [hakim]

“He does not belong to us who observes bird omens or has that done for him, or who seeks divination or who has that done for him, or who practices witchcraft or has that done for him. Whoever goes to a soothsayer and believes what he says has disbelieved in that which was revealed to Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).” [al-Bazzaar].

 “The one who disobeys his parents will not enter Paradise, nor one who has faith in magic, nor the drunkard on wine, nor one who denies providence.”

“Verily, spells, amulets, and charms are acts of idolatry”[abu dawood].

Whoever ties a knot and blows on it has performed magic, and whoever performs magic has committed idolatry. Whoever hangs something as a charm will be entrusted to it.” [ nasai]


According to prophet [sw] ; anyone who goes to the magician or soothsayer
Or jyolsyan or talisman and believe what they said he is kaafir[ deny the truth].and one who practise sihr[ witchcraft] he became mushrik [ commited shirk].

If a witch can use a jinn to do what he want and tell his customers about lost things, kill someone for his customer, or make a man sick for his customer then how could be these actions are kufer ?
Ibn Hazam said in his book al-Fasl: “Rejecting something for which there is sound proof that there can be no faith without believing in it is kufr,
            That means prophet [sw]termed those actions are kufer because
 ‘witch is able to use the devils to do what he wants of harming the person being bewitched’ is a baseless one can use devils or jinn by worshipping them, if anyone worship or seek help,  Its shirk[ making partnership with allah]

What is shirk

Such as those who make du’aa’ or pray to someone other than Allaah, or seek his help or seek refuge with him with regard to matters over which no one has control except Allaah, whether the person called upon is a Prophet, a wali (“saint”), an angel or a jinn, or some other created being. This is a kind of major shirk which puts one beyond the pale of Islam. [fatawa ; 34817-sheik salih munajjid]

Those who seek help from jinn could not get any help from them. Because the has no ability over human to give them help or harm. Therefore those isthigaza  termed as shirk.


And there were men from mankind who sought refuge in men from the jinn, so they [only] increased them in burden.’[ jinn 6]

If you invoke them, they do not hear your supplication; and if they heard, they would not respond to you. And on the Day of Resurrection they will deny your association.” [fathir 14]

            So, the claims of witches, soothsayers, furtune tellers are lie. There is no effect on witchcraft, ther is no jinn possession.

            Bewitchment of prophet muhammed [sw]

Most of the Hadith book contain the bewitchment story about prophet muhammed [sw],that he was bewitched by a Jew named Labeed ibn a’asam.The hypocrates of madina decided to approach a witch to bewitch prophet and they found a Jew magician of banu zuraik tribe or allie of banu zuraiq tribe or munafiq of banu zuraik tribe [all from those hadiths, narrators differ from each other]and give him the contract for three dinars. He accepted the offer and bewitched prophet muhammed [sw].


Black magic
Prophet muhammed[sw] had a jewish servant boy . The jews approached him and kept after him until he gave them some fallen hair from well as a few teeth from his comb.the jews used these to cast spell of black magic on him. Labeed make eleven knots along with prophet hair and outer skin
Of the pollen of the date-palm then he put spell of black magic on it. And
Hide in a well of banu zuraiq named bi’er dharvan. With the effect of spell prophet fell ill for six months. During which the hair of his head fell off, he began to imagine that he was doing a thing which he was not actualy doing.  He thought that he had intercourse with his wives when he had not done so.[ bukhari, muslim, ahmed, nasai,azbab nuzul wahidi]

Most of scholars among ahlsunnah agree the soundness of that hadees.they believe that shaithan can harm prophet .the whole story contrary to quran chapter 17 verses 47-48.
“We are fully aware of the reason for which they listen, when they listen to you, and when they are in secret consultation: when the transgressors say, “You are following none but a bewitched man.” See how they have made (silly) statements about you; so they have gone astray and cannot find a way”

It mentioned in ahkamul quran by imam abubakker a raazi al hanafi.he deny the wholestory beacause its contradict to principles of quran and  detracted from the status of prophethood.he stated : ‘“the ignorant of the Hashawis(anthropomorphists, those who believe that God is a form or body bound by space) narrated this hadith without knowing it was fabricated”
[Ahkaam ul-Qur’aan; v.1 p.52, 60]

·         Imam abuhaneefa [d 150]
·         Imam abu jafar ustherbaadi [d 370]
·         Imam ibn hazm andaloosi [d 456]
·         Imam abubaker al jassas [d 370]

·         Imam shihab zuhri [d 124]
·         Imam abu mansoor mathureethi [d 333]
·         Imam abu baker jassas al hanafi [d 370]
·         Qadi iyad [d 544]

The story narrates via two persons;

Hisham ibn urwa, sulaiman ibn mihran. Those narrators are welknown mudallisin.

                        JARH & ta’deel

Adh-Dhahabi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: 
Hishaam ibn ‘Urwah was one of the prominent and authoritative scholars, but when he grew old his memory failed, although he did not get confused, and there is nothing valid in the view of Abu’l-Hasan ibn al-Qattaan, which suggests that he and Suhayl ibn Abi Saalih became confused and changed. Yes, the man changed a little and his memory was not as sound as it had been in his youth. He forgot some of the things he had memorized and he made some mistakes…Ibn al-Qattaan suggested and what  ‘Abd ar-Rahmaan ibn Kharaash said:  Maalik did not approve of him because he got angry with him for going and narrating hadeeth in Iraq. End quote. 
[Mizaan al-I‘tidaal, 4/301-302 ]


      Imam Al-Dhahabi says;
He does Tadlees, and maybe [even] from a weak narrator while not          knowing of his condition. But once he says: Hadathana i.e. He narrated to us,  then there is no dispute. When he says 'An then there is a the possibility of Tadlees, ali ibn madeeni said; The a’amash was a lot of delusion in ahaadeeth , These are the weak.
[Mizaan al-I‘tidaal 3517]

The hidden break in the chain of narrations of a hadith that scholars have termed ‘mudallas,’ meaning a hidden discontinuity in the chain of a hadith report’s narrators.This defect is otherwise known as tadlîs,and such a reporter known as mudallis.  which is the act of hiding such a discontinuity.There are  mainly three types of tadlis:

(1) TADLIS AL ISNAD - hiding a narrator in the chain of narrators
(2) TADLIS AL TASWIYYAH - omitting a narrator or narrators anywhere in the chain in order to remove weak narrators
(3) TADLIS A SHUYOOKH  - hiding of the identity of one’s shaykh, that is, the one whom a transmitter received a ^adîth report directly from

Its clear that hisham and a’amash hide the original narrators they heard from. In the case of hisham he has fault in memmory at his iraqi stages definetly he forgot the narrator and atribute to his father. But a’amash is the narrator of cattegory tadlis taswiyah - who tadlis from weak narrators. So both Riwayyath are weak. Because the chain is broken and its munqathi hadith.


Black magic or dark magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes. Its only a superstitious beliefs of human beings. Satan is a master of deception. He fools people into thinking that he has more power than he really does. Magicians also like satan they deceive people by doing tricks and make to think people that they Have supernatural power.


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