Hadith Master Abdulsalam sullami

Abdul Salam Sullami  is an indian Hadith scholar who was born on 1st June 1950 in Edavanna, Kerala. He wrote several Islamic books related to aqeeda, fiqh, quran tafsir, hadith, study on comparitive religion, madhab etc. Among his outstanding works is the short commentary of Sahih al Bukhari and translation of Riyad as Saliheen into malayalam. The other major work done by him is the Quran Tafsir [interpretation] in Malayalam version which is named as ‘Noorul Quran’. His father A .Alavi Moulavi was great scholar, reformer and played a prominent role as a freedom fighter in kerala muslim history.  He was one of the founder of Jamiya Nadviyya Arabic College situated in Edavanna. Some scholars criticized Abdulsalam Sullami for his approach on the matter of hadiths. In 2016 he was honored with Vakkam Moulavi Award. 
As a scholar
he studied in Sullamusalam Arabic college, Areacode. After his studies he got a government job. Later he  resigned from there and joined Jamiya Nadviyya Arabic College, Edavanna as a teacher where he served for 27 years. Then he left from there. He is very well known for his vast remarkable knowledge in the science of hadith. He wrote hundreds of books and attended debates to tackle and fight against all the superstious believes that afflict muslim community like evileye , black magic, jinn possession, demon possession, madhab partiality, grave worship etc. He criticized the hadith about bewitchment of prophet muhammed which is very popular among the muslim community because of its clear contradiction to the 47th and 48th verse of Holy Quran mentioned in chapter 17. The Almighty Allah says:-
‘We are most knowing of how they listen to it when they listen to you and [of] when they are in private conversation, when the wrongdoers say, "You follow not but a man affected by magic. Look how they strike for you comparisons; but they have strayed, so they cannot [find] a way.’
He firmly believes that all hadith must be verified before it is taken into action whether it is narrated from Sahih bukhari or Sahih muslim because none can't escape from the rules of science of hadith and most importantly the basic principle that no other books other than the Holy Quran is free from errors which supports this theory mentioned in Chapter 4 Verse 82 as follows:-
“Do they not then consider the Qur'an carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much contradictions.”
Among his famous and notable works are:-
•Noorul Quran Tafsir
•Translation of sahih bukhari
•Translation of riyaad as saliheen
•Translation of noorul yakeen
•Complete Preface for Sunnah & bid’a
•Zakath and modern problems
•Shafee madhab
•Sunnath jamath in hadith
•Exemptions in islam
•Funeral rituals
•Wommens prayer at mazjid
•Amoralitty in muslims
•Thouheed brief study
•Replay to hadith refuters
•Possiblilty of madhab as per hadith
•Music & music instruments
•Fundamentals of islam
He died on january 31 st 2018 at sharjah  on his 67 th age. may allah mercy on him.

Shahidmvpa & Athif banoth